There are accidents that occur in San Francisco, San Diego, Orange County and Los Angeles nursing homes that could be prevented and burns and heat injuries are often one of them. The elderly person that is burned by scalding hot liquids like coffee or tea, scalded by food or bath water it is important to investigate the circumstances surrounding the burn injury accident. When negligence plays a part in this type of elder accident the nursing home is liable for the elderly victims injuries and should be held responsible.
Burn injuries are painful and can be a long term injury requiring medical treatment such as skin grafts that can be frightening and painful for the elderly burn victim. This is a serious injury for the elderly nursing home resident and one that can be stressful for the family or devastating for the family if the elderly loved one dies during treatment for a burn injury.
Burn Injuries and their Causes
Elderly burn and heat injuries can be caused by numerous issues in the Los Angeles, or San Francisco, Orange County and San Diego nursing home setting, such as:
- Violating the California Health Codes that puts the elderly nursing home resident at risk of fire or the inability to escape a fire.
- The failure to diagnose the mental or brain deterioration that would leave the elderly patient to not be aware of liquids, foods or bath water that is too hot for their body.
- The improperly trained nursing home staff that provides coffee, tea or other hot liquids to elderly nursing home residents that result in serious burns.
- Physical elder abuse with hot baths that are forced or the elderly patient being held in scalding water.
Contacting the Burn and Heat Injury Attorney
Contacting the burn and heat injury attorney is important after a nursing home resident has become the victim of an elder burn injury. The negligence of the caregiver is responsible for their care and should be held responsible for this type of injury while under their care. If an elderly loved one has been the victim of a burn and heat injury this is nursing home abuse and our attorneys are able to help file a legal claim to hold the nursing home responsible.
Our attorneys can be reached at 888-400-9721 to assist the family of an elderly burn and heat injury.